dang xia


Dao De Jing

The Classic of the Virtue of the Dao

Author - Lao Tzu

Dao De Jing - Rudolph Woods.pdf

                                      Dào Dé Jīng


The Classic of the Virtue of the Dao

By the ancient philosopher 

Lao Tzu


Dao De Jing #1

Dì yī zhāng


Dào kě dào, fēi cháng dào;


Míng kě míng, fēi cháng míng.


Wú míng tiān dì zhī shǐ, yǒu míng wàn wù zhī mǔ.


Gù cháng wú yù, yǐ guān qí miào;


Cháng yǒu yù, yǐ guān qí jiǎo.


Cǐ liǎng zhě tóng chū ér yì míng,


Tóng wèi zhī xuán, xuán zhī yòu xuán, zhòng miào zhī mén.


Chapter 1

The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao;

The name that can be named is not the eternal name.

The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth;

The named is the mother of all things.

Therefore, always without desire, observe the mystery;

Always with desire, observe the manifestations.

These two are the same but differ in name;

The unity is said to be the mystery of mysteries,

The door to all wonders.

Dao De Jing # 2

Dì èr zhāng


Tiān xià jiē zhī měi zhī wèi měi,


Sī è yǐ;


Jiē zhī shàn zhī wéi shàn, sī bù shàn yǐ.


Gù yǒu wū xiāng shēng, nán yì xiāng chéng, 


Cháng duǎn xiāng jiào,


Gāo xià xiāng qīng, yīn shēng xiāng hé , qián hòu xiāng suí.

高下相倾,音声相和 ,前后相随。

Shì yǐ shèng rén chù wú wéi zhī shì, xíng bù yán zhī jiào,


Wàn wù zuò yān ér bù cí,


Shēng ér bù yǒu, wéi ér bù shì, gōng chéng ér fú jū.


Fū wéi fú jū, shì yǐ bù qù.


Chapter 2

All in the world know the beauty of beauty is beautiful,

Thus ugliness is recognized.

All know the goodness of goodness is good,

Thus evil is recognized.

Being and non-being produce each other,

Difficult and easy complement each other,

Long and short contrast with each other,

High and low incline towards each other,

Sound and silence harmonize with each other,

Before and after follow one another.

Therefore, the sage acts without doing anything,

Teaches without speaking,

All things arise, but he does not take credit for them,

They come into being, but he does not possess them,

He works without relying on them,

He achieves his aim, but he does not dwell on it.

It is because he does not dwell on it that it does not leave him.

Dao De Jing #3

Dì sān zhāng


Bù shàng xián, shǐ mín bù zhēng;


Bù guì nán dé zhī huò, shǐ mín bù wéi dào;


Bù jiàn kě yù, shǐ mín xīn bù luàn.


Shì yǐ shèn grén zhī zhì, xū qí xīn, shí qí fù;


Ruò qí zhì, qiáng qí gǔ. 


Cháng shǐ mín wú zhī wú yù,


Shǐ fū zhì zhě bù gǎn wéi yě.


Wéi wú wéi, zé wú bù zhì.


Chapter 3:

By not esteeming the talented, the people will not contend with one another.

By not valuing rare treasures, the people will not steal.

By not displaying desirable things, the people's hearts will not be disturbed.

Therefore, the sage governs by:

Emptying the people's minds, filling their bellies,

Weakening their ambitions, strengthening their bones.

By keeping the people ignorant and without desire, the wise ones will not dare to interfere.

By taking no action, nothing will be left undone.

Dao De Jing #4

Dì sì zhāng


Dào chōng ér yòng zhī huò bù yíng, 


yuān xī shì wàn wù zhī zōng.


Cuò qí ruì, jiě qí fēn, hé qí guāng, tóng qí chén.


Zhàn xī shì huò cún, wú bù


Zhī shéi zhī zǐ, xiàng dì zhī xiān.


Chapter 4:

The Tao is like an empty vessel,

Yet it may be used without ever needing to be filled.

It is deep, it is like the source of all things.

It dulls the sharpness, it untangles the knots,

It softens the glare, it settles the dust.

Obscure, it seems to exist, I do not know whose child it is.

It is like the ancestor of the emperor.

Dao De Jing #5

Dì wǔ zhāng


Tiān dì bù rén, yǐ wàn wù wèi chú gǒu;


Shèng rén bù rén, yǐ bǎi xìng wèi chú gǒu.


Tiān dì zhī jiān, qí yóu tuó yuè hū?


Xū ér bù qū, dòng ér yù chū.


Duō yán shù qióng, bù rú shǒu zhōng.


Chapter 5:

Heaven and earth are not partial; they treat all things as straw dogs.

The sage is not partial; he treats all people as straw dogs.

Is not the space between heaven and earth like a bellows?

It is empty yet does not collapse;

When moved, it produces more and more.

The talkative reach their wits' end, for it is better to maintain balance.

Dao De Jing #6

Dì liù zhāng


Gǔ shén bù sǐ,


Shì wèi xuán pìn,


Xuán pìn zhī mén,


Shì wèi tiān dì gēn.


Mián mián ruò cún,


Yòng zhī bù qín.


Chapter 6:

The spirit of the valley never dies;

It is called the subtle and profound female.

The gateway to the subtle and profound female

Is called the root of heaven and earth.

It is continuous and seems to be always present.

Use it and you will never be tired.

Dao De Jing #7

Dì qī zhāng


Tiān cháng dì jiǔ.


Tiān dì suǒ yǐ néng zhǎng qiě jiǔ zhě, 


yǐ qí bù zì shēng,


Gù néng cháng shēng. 


Shì yǐ shèn grén hòu qí shēn ér shēn xiān,


Wài qí shēn ér shēn cún. 


Fēi yǐ qí wú sī xié?


Gù néng chéng qí sī.


Chapter 7:

Heaven is eternal, and earth is long-lasting.

The reason why heaven and earth are able to endure and be long-lasting

Is because they do not exist for themselves;

Therefore they are able to last and endure.

Therefore, the sage puts himself last, but actually comes first;

He is detached from himself, but actually remains;

Is it not because he is selfless,

That he is able to fulfill himself?

Dao De Jing # 8 

Dì bā zhāng


Shàng shàn ruò shuǐ.


Shuǐ shàn lì wàn wù ér bù zhēng,


chù zhòng rén zhī suǒ è,


gù jī yú dào.


Jū shàn de, xīn shàn yuān,


yǔ shàn rén, yán shàn xìn,


zhèng shàn zhì, shì shàn néng, dòng shàn shí.


Fū wéi bù zhēng, gù wú yóu.


Chapter 8:

The highest good is like water.

Water benefits all things and does not compete with them.

It dwells in places that others disdain;

Therefore it is close to the way.

In dwelling, be close to the land.

In meditation, go deep in the heart.

In dealing with others, be gentle and kind.

In speech, be true.

In ruling, be just.

In business, be competent.

In action, watch the timing.

No fight: no blame.

Dao De Jing #9

Dì jiǔ zhāng


chí ér yíng zhī, bù rú qí yǐ.


Chuāi ér ruì zhī, bù kě cháng bǎo.


Jīn yù mǎn táng, mò zhī néng shǒu.


Fù guì ér jiāo, zì yí qí jiù.


Gōng chéng shēn tuì, tiān zhī dào.


Chapter 9:

To hold and fill to the brim is not as good as stopping in time.

Sharpen a blade too much and its edge will soon be lost.

Fill your house with gold and jade and you will not be able to keep it.

Be proud of wealth and position, and you invite misfortune.

Withdraw when your work is done, such is heaven's way.

Dao De Jing #10

Dì shí zhāng


zài yíng pò bào yī, néng wú lí hū?


Zhuān qì zhì róu, néng yīng'ér hū?


Dí chú xuán lǎn, néng wú cī hū?


Ài mín zhì guó, néng wú zhī hū?


Tiān mén kāi hé, néng wú cí hū?


Míng bái sì dá, néng wú wéi hū?


Shēng zhī, chù zhī, shēng ér bù yǒu,


wéi ér bù shì, cháng ér bù zǎi, shì wèi xuán dé.


Chapter 10:

Can you embrace your soul and unite it with the one,

And not let them be apart?

Can you concentrate your vital breath to achieve the softness of a baby?

Can you cleanse your vision to see the hidden beauty?

Can you love the people and govern the state without interfering?

Can you open and close the gate of heaven and act like a female?

Can you understand all things by being passive and receptive?

Giving birth and nourishing, bearing yet not possessing,

Working yet not taking credit,

Leading yet not dominating,

This is the Primal Virtue.

Dao De Jing #11

Dì shí yī zhāng


Sān shí fú gòng yī gǔ, dāng qí wú, yǒu chē zhī yòng.


Shān zhí yǐ wéi qì, dāng qí wú, yǒu qì zhī yòng.


Záo hù yǒu yǐ wéi shì, dāng qí wú, yǒu shì zhī yòng.


Gù yǒu zhī yǐ wéi lì, wú zhī yǐ wéi yòng.


Chapter 11:

Thirty spokes converge upon a single hub;

It is on the hole in the center that the use of the cart hinges.

We make a vessel from a lump of clay;

It is the empty space within the vessel that makes it useful.

We make doors and windows for a room;

But it is these empty spaces that make the room livable.

Thus, while the tangible has advantages,

It is the intangible that makes it useful.

Dao De Jing #12

Dì shí'èr zhāng


Wǔ sè lìng rén mù máng,


Wǔ yīn lìng rén ěr lóng,


Wǔ wèi lìng rén kǒu shuǎng,


Chí chěng tián liè lìng rén xīn fā kuáng,


Nán dé zhī huò lìng rén xíng fáng.


Shì yǐ shèng rén wéi fù bù wéi mù,


Gù qù bǐ qǔ cǐ.


Chapter 12

The five colors make people's eyes blind; 

the five sounds make people's ears deaf; 

the five flavors make people's mouths numb; 

horse racing and hunting make people's hearts crazy; 

rare treasures obstruct people's path. 

Therefore, the sage concerns himself with the inner, not the outer; 

he puts aside that and takes this.

Dao De Jing #13

Dì shí sān zhāng


chǒng rǔ ruò jīng, guì dà huàn ruò shēn.


Hé wèi chǒng rǔ ruò jīng?


Chǒng wèi xià, dé zhī ruò jīng,


shī zhī ruò jīng, shì wèi chǒng rǔ ruò jīng.


Hé wèi guì dà huàn ruò shēn?


Wú suǒ yǐ yǒu dà huàn zhě, wèi wú yǒu shēn,


jí wú wú shēn, wú yǒu hé huàn!


Gù guì yǐ shēn wéi tiān xià, ruò kě jì tiān xià;


ài yǐ shēn wéi tiān xià, ruò kě tuō tiān xià.


Chapter 13

Favor and disgrace are like a surprise, 

great trouble is like one's own body. 

What is meant by "favor and disgrace are like a surprise"?

Favor is below, receiving it is like a surprise, losing it is like a surprise; 

this is what is meant by "favor and disgrace are like a surprise." 

What is meant by "great trouble is like one's own body"? 

I have a body, so I have great trouble; if I had no body, what trouble would I have? 

Therefore, if one regards their body as most important, then the world can be entrusted to them. 

If one loves their body as their own, then the world can be loved by them.

Dao De Jing #14

Dì shí sì zhāng


shì zhī bù jiàn míng yuē yí,


tīng zhī bù wén míng yuē xī,


bó zhī bù dé míng yuē wēi.


Cǐ sān zhě bù kě zhì jí,


gù hùn ér wéi yī.


Qí shàng bù jiǎo, qí xià bù mèi.


Shéng shéng bù kě míng, fù guī yú wú wù,


shì wèi wú zhuàng zhī zhuàng, wú wù zhī xiàng.


Shì wèi hū huǎng.


Yíng zhī bù jiàn qí shǒu, suí zhī bù jiàn qí hòu.


Zhí gǔ zhī dào, yǐ yù jīn zhī yǒu,


néng zhī gǔ shǐ, shì wèi dào jì.


Chapter 14

To look at something and not see its name is called simplicity; to listen to something and not hear its name is called rarity; 

to grip something and not get a hold of it is called subtlety. These three cannot be fully examined, so they merge as one. Above it is not bright, below it is not dim. 

Continuous, unnameable, it returns to nothingness. 

This is the shape of the shapeless, the form of the formless. 

It is called indefinable and elusive. 

Confront it and you will not see its head; 

follow it and you will not see its back. 

Abide by the ancient Dao and govern things today. 

One who knows the beginning of ancient things is called the thread of the Dao.

Dao De Jing #15

Dì shí wǔ zhāng


gǔ zhī shàn wéi shì zhě, wéi miào xuán tōng, shēn bù kě shí.


Fū wéi bù kě shí, gù qiáng wéi zhī róng.


Yù yān ruò dōng shè chuān, yóu xī ruò wèi sì lín, 


yǎn xī qí ruò róng,


huàn xī ruò bīng zhī jiàng shì, dūn xī qí ruò pǔ,


kuàng xī qí ruò gǔ, hùn xī qí ruò zhuó.


Shú néng zhuó yǐ jìng zhī xú qīng?


Shú néng ān yǐ jiǔ dòng zhī xú shēng?


Bǎo cǐ dào zhě bù yù yíng, 


fū wéi bù yíng, gù néng bì bù xīn chéng.


Chapter 15:  

The ancients who were skilled in being a leader were subtle, mysterious, profound, and difficult to understand. 

Because they were difficult to understand, they appeared strong. 

They were cautious like crossing a river in winter, hesitant like fearing their neighbors, dignified like guests, melting like thawing ice, genuine like plain wood, vast like a valley, and murky like muddy water. 

Who can stir muddy water to make it clear and tranquil? 

Who can remain calm and gradually bring life to something that is constantly in motion? 

Those who uphold this Way do not desire to be full, for only by not being full can they remain hidden and not reveal their true nature.

Dao De Jing #16

Dì shí liù zhāng


zhì xū jí, shǒu jìng dǔ,


Wàn wù bìng zuò, wú yǐ guān fù.


Fū wù yún yún, gè fù guī qí gēn.


Yuē jìng, shì wèi fù mìng.


Fù mìng yuē cháng, zhī cháng yuē míng,


Bù zhī cháng, wàng zuò, xiōng.


Zhī cháng róng, róng nǎi gōng,


Gōng nǎi wáng, wáng nǎi tiān,


Tiān nǎi dào, dào nǎi jiǔ, méi shēn bù dài.



Chapter 16

Attain the utmost emptiness,

Maintain the utmost tranquility.

All things come into being together,

And I see thereby their return.

All things flourish and each returns to its root.

Returning to the root is called tranquility.

It means returning to one's destined nature.

Returning to one's destined nature is called the constant;

Knowing the constant is called clarity.

Not knowing the constant leads to reckless actions,

And such actions lead to misfortune.

Knowing the constant gives perspective,

Perspective leads to impartiality,

Impartiality leads to sovereignty,

Sovereignty leads to heaven,

Heaven leads to the way,

The way leads to perpetuity,

And to the end of one's days one meets no danger.

Dao De Jing #17

Dì shí qī zhāng


tài shàng, xià zhī yǒu zhī.


Qí cì, qīn ér yù zhī.


Qí cì, wèi zhī.


Qí cì, wǔ zhī.


Xìn bù zú yān, yǒu bù xìn yān.


Yōu xī qí guì yán.


Gōng chéng shì suì, bǎi xìng jiē wèi wǒ zì rán.


Chapter 17:

The highest rulers, people only know they exist.

The next level, people love and praise them.

The next level, people fear them.

The next level, people despise them.

If the rulers' trust is insufficient, there will be no trust in them.

They are cautious in their speech.

When their work is done, the people say, "We did it ourselves."

Dao De Jing #18

Dì shí bā zhāng


Dà dào fèi, yǒu rén yì;


huì zhì chū, yǒu dà wěi;


Liù qīn bù hé, yǒu xiào cí;


Guó jiā hūn luàn, yǒu zhōng chén.


Chapter 18: 

When the great Tao is abandoned, we have benevolence and righteousness; 

when wisdom and intelligence arise, we have great hypocrisy; when relatives are no longer in harmony, we have filial piety and parental kindness; 

when the nation is in chaos, we have loyal ministers.

Dao De Jing #19

Dì shí jiǔ zhāng


jué shèng qì zhì, mín lì bǎi bèi;


jué rén qì yì, mín fù xiào cí;


jué qiǎo qì lì, dào zéi wú yǒu.


Cǐ sān zhě, yǐ wéi wén bù zú,


gù lìng yǒu suǒ shǔ, jiàn sù bào pǔ, shǎo sī guǎ yù.


Chapter 19:

Abandon wisdom and discard knowledge, and the people will benefit a hundredfold. 

Abandon kindness and renounce righteousness, and the people will return to filial piety and compassion. 

Abandon cleverness and forsake profit, and there will be no more thieves and robbers.

These three things are insufficient to promote virtue, so they are subordinated to something else: simplicity and contentment.

Dao De Jing #20

Dì èr shí zhāng


Jué xué wú yōu. Wéi zhī yǔ ā, xiāng qù jǐ hé?


Shàn zhī yǔ è, xiāng qù ruò hé?


Rén zhī suǒ wèi, bù kě bù wèi.


Huāng xī qí wèi yāng zāi!


Zhòng rén xī xī, rú xiǎng tài láo, rú chūn dēng tái.


Wǒ dú pō xī qí wèi zhào, rú yīng'ér zhī wèi hái.


Lěi lěi xī ruò wú suǒ guī.


Zhòng rén jiē yǒu yú, ér wǒ dú ruò yí.


Wǒ yú rén zhī xīn yě zāi! Dùn dùn xī!


Sú rén zhāo zhāo, wǒ dú hūn hūn;


Sú rén chá chá, wǒ dú mèn mèn.


Dàn xī qí ruò hǎi, liù xī ruò wú zhǐ.


Zhòng rén jiē yǒu yǐ, ér wǒ dú wán shì bǐ.


Wǒ dú yì yú rén, ér guì shí mǔ.


Chapter 20

Cease learning and no troubles will arise.

The difference between "yes" and "no" is like the difference between good and evil.

What people fear most is not to be feared.

The great wilderness is the palace of the Tao,

And the highways and marketplaces are the dwelling places of demons.

Forces of good and evil contend in every heart,

And the battlefield of the mind is the place where the war is waged.

When the mind is emptied of all thought,

The Tao will become as clear as the bright moon in the sky.

When people become noisy and self-righteous,

I remain tranquil and unmoved, like a newborn child.

I am like one who has nowhere to go,

And so I drift like a cloud carried by the wind.

Everyone else is busy and productive,

But I am still and silent, like the depths of the ocean.

Everyone else is clever and calculating,

But I am simple and foolish, like an ignorant child.

I am different from others, and I treasure the nourishment of the Mother.

Dao De Jing #21

Dì èr shí yī zhāng


kǒng dé zhī róng, wéi dào shì cóng.


Dào zhī wèi wù, wéi huǎng wéi hū.


Hū xī huǎng xī, qí zhōng yǒu xiàng;


huǎng xī hū xī, qí zhōng yǒu wù.


Yǎo xī míng xī, qí zhōng yǒu jīng;


qí jīng shén zhēn, qí zhōng yǒu xìn.


Zì gǔ jí jīn, qí míng bù qù, yǐ yuè zhòng fǔ.


Wú hé yǐ zhī zhòng fǔ zhī zhuàng zāi? Yǐ cǐ.


Chapter 21:

The virtue is to follow only the Dao. 

The Dao is elusive and intangible. 

Elusive, and intangible, yet within it there is image.

Intangible, and elusive, yet within it there is substance. Shadowy, and dimly seen, yet within it there is essence. 

This essence is quite genuine and within it is something that can be tested.

From ancient times until now, its name has never been forgotten. 

By this I can perceive the nature of all things.

Dao De Jing #22

Dì èr shí'èr zhāng


qū zé quán, wǎng zé zhí, wā zé yíng,


bì zé xīn, shǎo zé dé, duō zé huò.


Shì yǐ shèng rén bào yī, wéi tiān xià shì.


Bù zì jiàn gù míng, bù zì shì gù zhāng,


bù zì fá gù yǒu gōng, bù zì jīn gù zhǎng.


Fū wéi bù zhēng, gù tiān xià mò néng yǔ zhī zhēng.


Gǔ zhī suǒ wèi qū zé quán zhě, qǐ xū yán zāi!


Chéng quán ér guī zhī.


Chapter 22:

Bend and you will be whole;

Curl and you will be straight;

Keep empty and you will be filled;

Grow old and you will be renewed;

Have little and you will gain;

Have much and you will be confused.

Therefore the wise embrace the one,

And set an example to all.

They do not display themselves, hence they are illuminated;

They do not justify themselves, hence they are distinguished;

They do not boast, hence they receive recognition;

They do not brag, hence they never falter.

They do not contend, and so no one can contend against them.

The ancients said, "Bend and you will be whole":

Were they speaking empty words?

Sincerity becoming whole, and returning to oneself.

Dao De Jing #23

Dì èr shí sān zhāng


xī yán zì rán.


Gù piāo fēng bù zhōng cháo, zhòu yǔ bù zhōng rì.


Shú wèi cǐ zhě? Tiān dì.


Tiān dì shàng bù néng jiǔ, ér kuàng yú rén hū?


Gù cóng shì yú dào zhě, dào zhě tóng yú dào,


dé zhě tóng yú dé, shī zhě tóng yú shī.


Tóng yú dào zhě, dào yì lè dé zhī;


tóng yú dé zhě, dé yì lè dé zhī;


tóng yú shī zhě, shī yì lè dé zhī.


Xìn bù zú yān, yǒu bù xìn yān.


Chapter 23: 

Simplicity is Natural.

Therefore, gusts of wind do not blow all morning, and sudden rain does not pour all day. 

Who makes this happen? 

Heaven and Earth. 

If even Heaven and Earth cannot go on forever, how can humans expect to do so? 

Therefore, those who engage in the Way are one with the Way, those who embody virtue are one with virtue, and those who lose the Way are one with loss. 

When one is one with the Way, the Way is happy to welcome them. 

When one is one with virtue, virtue is happy to welcome them. When one is one with loss, loss is happy to welcome them. 

If trust is not sufficient, there will be mistrust.

Dao De Jing #24

Dì èr shí sì zhāng


qǐ zhě bù lì, kuà zhě bù xíng,


zì jiàn zhě bù míng, zì shì zhě bù zhāng,


zì fá zhě wú gōng, zì jīn zhě bù cháng.


Qí zài dào yě, yuē yú shí zhuì xíng.


Wù huò è zhī, gù yǒu dào zhě bù chù.


Chapter 24:

Those who are overly eager do not stand firm, 

those who are overly forceful do not move easily, 

those who are overly self-centered do not see clearly, 

those who are overly self-righteous do not reveal their true selves, 

those who boast about themselves have no merit, and those who are excessively proud do not last long. 

Those who are in the Way say, "Excess food and unnecessary action are burdensome." 

Some things may dislike this, so those who have the Way do not dwell in them.

Dao De Jing #25

Dì èr shí wǔ zhāng


yǒu wù hǔn chéng, xiān tiān dì shēng.


Jì xī liáo xī, dú lì bù gǎi,


zhōu xíng ér bù dài, kě yǐ wéi tiān xià mǔ.


Wú bù zhī qí míng, zì zhī yuē dào,


qiáng wéi zhī míng yuē dà.


Dà yuē shì, shì yuē yuǎn, yuǎn yuē fǎn.


Gù dào dà, tiān dà, dì dà, wáng yì dà.


Yù zhōng yǒu sì dà, ér wáng jū qí yī yān.


Rén fǎ de, dì fǎ tiān, tiān fǎ dào, dào fǎ zì rán.


Chapter 25: 

There is a thing that is formless and perfect, born before heaven and earth. 

Silent and unchanging, it stands alone and does not falter. 

It moves throughout all things without danger, and it can be considered the mother of the world. 

I do not know its name, so I call it the Way. 

If I were to force a name upon it, I would call it Great. 

Being great means it is infinite, infinite means it is far-reaching, far-reaching means it is returning. 

Therefore, the Way is great, Heaven is great, Earth is great, and the ruler is also great. 

Within the realm, there are four greats, and the ruler is one of them. 

People follow the Earth, the Earth follows Heaven, Heaven follows the Way, and the Way follows nature.

Dao De Jing #26

Dì èr shí liù zhāng


zhòng wèi qīng gēn, jìng wèi zào jūn.


Shì yǐ shèng rén zhōng rì xíng bù lí zī zhòng.


Suī yǒu róng guān, yàn chù chāo rán,


Nài hé wàn chéng zhī zhǔ, ér yǐ shēn qīng tiān xià?


Qīng zé shī běn, zào zé shī jūn.


Chapter 26: 

Heaviness is the root of lightness, stillness is the master of restlessness. 

Therefore, the sage never departs from heaviness, even in the midst of glory and honor, he remains detached. 

How can the lord of ten thousand chariots lightly bear the weight of the empire? 

To be light is to lose the root, to be restless is to lose the master.

Dao De Jing #27

Dì èr shí qī zhāng


Shàn xíng wú zhé jī, shàn yán wú xiá zhé,


shàn shǔ bù yòng chóu cè, shàn bì wú guān jiàn ér bù kě kāi,


shàn jié wú shéng yuē ér bù kě jiě.


Shì yǐ shèng rén cháng shàn jiù rén, gù wú qì rén;


Cháng shàn jiù wù, gù wú qì wù, shì wèi xí míng.


Gù shàn rén zhě, bù shàn rén zhī shī;


Bù shàn rén zhě, shàn rén zhī zī.


Bù guì qí shī, bù ài qí zī,


suī zhì dà mí, shì wèi yào miào.


Chapter 27: 

Good deeds leave no trace, good words leave no flaws, good calculations need no devices, good shutting needs no bolts but cannot be opened, and good knotting needs no ropes but cannot be undone. 

Therefore, the sage is always good at saving people, so he does not reject anyone. 

He is always good at saving things, so he does not abandon anything. 

This is called following the light. 

Therefore, the good person is the teacher of the bad person, and the bad person is the resource of the good person. 

If you do not value your teacher or love your resource, you will greatly deviate from the truth, which is called the essential mystery.

Dao De Jing #28

Dì èr shí bā zhāng


zhī qí xióng, shǒu qí cí, wéi tiān xià xī.


Wéi tiān xià xī, cháng dé bù lí, fù guī yú yīng'ér.


Zhī qí bái, shǒu qí hēi, wéi tiān xià shì.


Wéi tiān xià shì, cháng dé bù tè, fù guī yú wú jí.


Zhī qí róng, shǒu qí rǔ, wéi tiān xià gǔ.


Wéi tiān xià gǔ, cháng dé nǎi zú, fù guī yú pǔ.


Pǔ sàn zé wèi qì, shèng rén yòng zhī zé wèi guān zhǎng.


Gù dà zhì bù gē.


Chapter 28: 

Knowing the masculine but keeping to the feminine, one becomes the valley of the world. 

Being the valley of the world, constant virtue does not depart and returns again to infancy. 

Knowing the white but keeping to the black, one becomes the model of the world. 

Being the model of the world, constant virtue does not err and returns again to the infinite. 

Knowing glory but keeping to humiliation, one becomes the valley of the world. 

Being the valley of the world, constant virtue suffices and returns again to simplicity. 

Simplicity, when scattered, becomes vessels, and when used by the sage, becomes the chief official. 

Therefore, great cutting does not sever.

Dao De Jing #29

Dì èr shí jiǔ zhāng


jiāng yù qǔ tiān xià ér wéi zhī, wú jiàn qí bù dé yǐ.


Tiān xià shén qì, bù kě wéi yě.


Wèi zhě bài zhī, zhí zhě shī zhī.


Gù wù huò xíng huò suí, huò xū huò chuī,


huò qiáng huò léi, huò cuò huò huī.


Shì yǐ shèng rén qù shén, qù shē, qù tài.


Chapter 29:

If one desires to take over the world, I see it as something that cannot be done willingly. 

The world is a divine tool that cannot be controlled. 

Those who try to control it will fail, and those who grasp it will lose it. 

Therefore, some things may move, follow, pant, or blow, be strong or weak, be damaged or destroyed. 

Therefore, the sage avoids extremes, extravagance, and excessiveness.

Dao De Jing #30

Dì sān shí zhāng


yǐ dào zuǒ rén zhǔ zhě, bù yǐ bīng qiáng tiān xià, 


qí shì hào huán.


Shī zhī suǒ chù, jīng jí shēng yān.


Dà jūn zhī hòu, bì yǒu xiōng nián.


Shàn yǒu guǒ ér yǐ, bù gǎn yǐ qǔ qiáng.


Guǒ ér wù jīn, guǒ ér wù fá, guǒ ér wù jiāo,


guǒ ér bù dé yǐ, guǒ ér wù qiáng.


Wù zhuàng zé lǎo, shì wèi bù dào, bù dào zǎo yǐ.


Chapter 30:

The person who uses the Dao to assist the ruler does not use force to conquer the world; the outcome is always peaceful. Where an army has passed, thorns and brambles will grow. After a great war, there will surely be a terrible year. Accomplish the goal without boasting, achieve the outcome without bragging, accomplish the goal without pride, and achieve the outcome without coercion. 

When things are strong, they will eventually weaken. 

This is called going against the Dao. 

Those who go against the Dao will perish soon.

Dao De Jing #31

Dì sān shí yī zhāng


fū jiā bīng zhě, bù xiáng zhī qì.


Wù huò è zhī, gù yǒu dào zhě bù chù.


Jūn zǐ jū zé guì zuǒ, yòng bīng zé guì yòu.


Bīng zhě, bù xiáng zhī qì, fēi jūn zǐ zhī qì.


Bù dé yǐ ér yòng zhī, tián dàn wéi shàng, shèng ér bù měi.


Ér měi zhī zhě, shì lè shā rén.


Fū lè shā rén zhě, zé bù kě yǐ dé zhì yú tiān xià yǐ.


Jí shì shàng zuǒ, xiōng shì shàng yòu.


Piān jiāng jūn jū zuǒ, shàng jiàng jūn jū yòu, 


yán yǐ sāng lǐ chǔ zhī.


Shā rén zhī zhòng, yǐ āi bēi qì zhī, 


Zhàn shèng, yǐ sāng lǐ chǔ zhī.


Chapter 31:

A fine weapon is not a good omen. 

Some people hate it, so those who follow the Dao do not keep it. 

When the gentleman is in residence, the left side is preferred. When using weapons, the right side is preferred. 

Weapons are not tools for the gentleman. 

When they have to be used, tranquility and impartiality are prioritized, not victory. 

To beautify weapons means to enjoy killing. 

Those who enjoy killing cannot succeed in the world. 

The left side is preferred for auspicious events, while the right side is preferred for inauspicious events. 

The subordinate general should be on the left, and the commanding general on the right, which is in accordance with funeral rites. 

When killing many people, one should weep with sorrow and grieve. 

When victorious in battle, one should act with funeral rites.

Dao De Jing #32

Dì sān shí'èr zhāng


dào cháng wú míng, pǔ suī xiǎo, tiān xià mò néng chén yě.


Hóu wán gruò néng shǒu zhī, wàn wù jiāng zì bīn.


Tiān dì xiàng hé yǐ jiàng gān lù, mín mò zhī lìng ér zì jūn.


Shǐ zhì yǒu míng, míng yì jì yǒu, fū yì jiāng zhī zhǐ.


Zhī zhǐ kě yǐ bù dài.


Pì dào zhī zài tiān xià, yóu chuān gǔ zhī yú jiāng hǎi.


Chapter 32:

The Dao is always nameless. 

Although it appears insignificant, nothing in the world can subdue it. 

If the lords and kings can keep it, all things will come to them willingly. 

When heaven and earth are in harmony, sweet dew will fall. The people will be balanced without being ordered to be. When the system begins to be named, things will begin to stop. 

When things stop, they will not be in danger. 

The Dao in the world is like a river or valley flowing into the sea.

Dao De Jing #33

Dì sān shí sān zhāng


Zhī rén zhě zhì, zì zhì zhě míng.


Shèng rén zhě yǒu lì, zì shèng zhě qiáng.


Zhī zú zhě fù, qiáng xíng zhě yǒu zhì,


bù shī qí suǒ zhě jiǔ, sǐ ér bù wáng zhě shòu.


Chapter 33:

Those who know others are wise; those who know themselves are enlightened. 

Those who overcome others have strength; those who overcome themselves are powerful. 

Those who are contented are wealthy; those who persevere have willpower. 

Those who die but do not perish have longevity.

Dao De Jing #34

Dì sān shí sì zhāng


Dà dào fàn xī, qí kě zuǒ yòu.


Wàn wù shì zhī ér shēng ér bù cí, gōng chéng bù míng yǒu,


yī yǎng wàn wù ér bù wéi zhǔ, cháng wú yù,


kě míng yú xiǎo;


Wàn wù guī yān ér bù wéi zhǔ, kě míng wéi dà.


Yǐ qí zhōng bù zì wéi dà, gù néng chéng qí dà.


Chapter 34:

The great Tao flows everywhere. 

It can go left or right. 

All things depend on it for life and it does not refuse them. 

It accomplishes its task but does not take credit for it. 

It clothes and feeds all things but does not claim to be their master. 

Because it does not have desires, it can be called small. 

All things return to it but it does not claim to be their master. Therefore, it can be called great. 

Because it does not try to be great, it can achieve greatness.

Dao De Jing #35

Dì sān shí wǔ zhāng


zhí dà xiàng, tiān xià wǎng;


wǎng ér bù hài, ān píng tài. Lè yǔ ěr, guò kè zhǐ.


Dào zhī chū kǒu, dàn hū qí wú wèi, shì zhī bù zú jiàn,


tīng zhī bù zú wén, yòng zhī bù zú jì.


Chapter 35:

Those who hold the great image rule the world. 

They go where they please without harm. 

They see no danger in living among weapons and sharp tools. They taste neither bitterness nor sweetness but remain neutral. 

They look but cannot see it. 

They listen but cannot hear it. 

They use it but cannot exhaust it.

Dao De Jing #36

Dì sān shí liù zhāng


jiāng yù shè zhī, bì gù zhāng zhī;


jiāng yù ruò zhī, bì gù qiáng zhī;


jiāng yù fèi zhī, bì gù xìng zhī;


jiāng yù duó zhī, bì gù yǔ zhī, shì wèi wēi míng.


Róu ruò shèng gāng qiáng.


Yú bù kě tuō yú yuān,


Guó zhī lì qì bù kě yǐ shì rén.


Chapter 36:

If you want to shrink something, you must first stretch it. 

If you want to weaken something, you must first strengthen it. If you want to discard something, you must first promote it. 

If you want to take something, you must first give it. 

This is called subtle perception. 

The soft and the weak overcome the hard and the strong. Fish cannot be taken from the depths, and the instruments of state cannot be displayed to the people.

Dao De Jing #37

Dì sān shí qī zhāng


dào cháng wú wéi ér wú bù wéi, 


hóu wáng ruò néng shǒu zhī,


Wàn wù jiāng zì huà.


Huà ér yù zuò, wú jiāng zhèn zhī yǐ wú míng zhī pǔ.


Wú míng zhī pǔ, fū yì jiāng wú yù.


Bù yù yǐ jìng, tiān xià jiāng zì dìng.


Chapter 37:

The Tao always does nothing, yet there is nothing that it does not do. 

If the lords and princes can keep to it, all things will be transformed by themselves. 

If, after they are transformed, they should desire to act, I shall restrain them with the simplicity of the nameless uncarved block. 

The simplicity of the nameless uncarved block will free them from their desires, and the world will be at peace.

Dao De Jing #38

Dì sān shí bā zhāng


shàng dé bù dé, shì yǐ yǒu dé;


xià dé bù shī dé, shì yǐ wú dé.


Shàng dé wú wéi ér wú yǐ wéi,


xià dé wéi zhī ér yǒu yǐ wéi.


Shàng rén wéi zhī ér wú yǐ wéi,


shàng yì wéi zhī ér yǒu yǐ wéi,


shàng lǐ wéi zhī ér mò zhī yīng,


zé rǎng bì ér rēng zhī.


Gù shī dào ér hòu dé, shī dé ér hòu rén,


shī rén ér hòu yì, shī yì ér hòu lǐ.


Fū lǐ zhě, zhōng xìn zhī báo ér luàn zhī shǒu.


Qián shí zhě, dào zhī huá ér yú zhī shǐ.


Shì yǐ dà zhàng fū chù qí hòu, bù jū qí báo;


chù qí shí, bù jū qí huá.


Gù qù bǐ qǔ cǐ.


Chapter 38:

The highest virtue is not conscious of itself as virtuous, thus it possesses virtue. 

The lowest virtue never loses sight of its own virtue, thus it lacks virtue. 

The highest virtue acts effortlessly and without intention, while the lowest virtue acts with intention and seeks recognition. The highest benevolence acts without intention, while the highest righteousness acts with intention. 

If the highest ritual is not responded to, it becomes violent and forces its way. 

Thus, when the Way is lost, virtue arises. 

When virtue is lost, benevolence arises. 

When benevolence is lost, righteousness arises. 

When righteousness is lost, ritual arises. 

Ritual is the thin edge of loyalty and trust, and the beginning of disorder. 

Those who know the Way appear to be brilliant, but those who are ignorant begin to learn. 

Therefore, great individuals focus on substance, not on superficialities, on reality, not on appearance. 

They reject one thing and take another.

Dao De Jing #39

Dì sān shí jiǔ zhāng


xī zhī dé yī zhě, tiān dé yī yǐ qīng,


de dé yī yǐ níng, shén dé yī yǐ líng,


gǔ dé yī yǐ yíng, wàn wù dé yī yǐ shēng,


hóu wáng dé yī yǐ wéi tiān xià zhēn. Qí zhì zhī.


Tiān wú yǐ qīng jiāng kǒng liè, 


dì wú yǐ níng jiāng kǒng fā (“fā” tōng “fèi”),


shén wú yǐ líng jiāng kǒng xiē, gǔ wú yǐ yíng jiāng kǒng jié,


Wàn wù wú yǐ shēng jiāng kǒng miè, 


hóu wáng wú yǐ guì gāo jiāng kǒng jué.


Gù guì yǐ jiàn wéi běn, gāo yǐ xià wèi jī.


Shì yǐ hóu wáng zì wèi gū guǎ bù gǔ (gǔ).


Cǐ fēi yǐ jiàn wéi běn xié? Fēi hū?


Gù zhì shù yú wú yú.


Bù yù lù lù rú yù, luò luò rú shí.


Chapter 39:

In the past, those who attained oneness: Heaven attained oneness and became pure, Earth attained oneness and became peaceful, Spirits attained oneness and became divine, Valleys attained oneness and became full, All things attained oneness and were born. 

When rulers and kings attained oneness, the world became orderly and peaceful. 

How did they attain oneness? Heaven attained oneness through purity, Earth attained oneness through peace, Spirits attained oneness through divinity, Valleys attained oneness through fullness, All things attained oneness through birth. Rulers and kings attained oneness through humility and the willingness to take a lower position. 

Therefore, their true greatness lies in their humility, and their foundation lies in their lowliness. 

This is why rulers and kings call themselves orphans, the destitute, and the unworthy. 

Do they not rely on humility as their foundation? 

If they did not, they would not have a basis for rule. 

Therefore, the highest honor is based on the lowest humility.

Dao De Jing #40

Dì sì shí zhāng


fǎn zhě, dào zhī dòng;


Ruò zhě, dào zhī yòng.


Tiān xià wàn wù shēng yú yǒu,


yǒu shēng yú wú.


Chapter 40:

Reversal is the movement of the Tao; 

weakness is the function of the Tao. 

All things under heaven are born of being; 

being is born of non-being.

Dao De Jing #41

Dì sì shí yī zhāng


shàng shì wén dào, qín ér xíng zhī;


zhōng shì wén dào, ruò cún ruò wáng;


xiàshì wén dào, dà xiào zhī,


bù xiào bùzú yǐwéi dào.


Gù jiàn yán yǒu zhī: Míng dào ruò mèi,


jìn dào ruò tuì, yí dào ruò lèi.


Shàng dé ruò gǔ, dà bái ruò rǔ,


guǎng dé ruò bù zú, jiàn dé ruò tōu, zhì zhēn ruò yú.


Dà fāng wú yú, dà qì wǎn chéng,


dà yīn xī shēng, dà xiàng wú xíng.


Dào yǐn wú míng, fū wéi dào shàn dài qiě chéng.


Chapter 41:

The superior person, when hearing about the Tao, diligently puts it into practice. 

The average person, when hearing about the Tao, thinks about it sometimes and forgets it other times. 

The inferior person, when hearing about the Tao, laughs loudly at it. If they did not laugh, it would not be the Tao. Therefore, there is the saying: "The bright Tao appears obscure, advancing Tao appears to retreat, straightforward Tao appears crooked. Great virtue appears like a valley, pure white appears sullied, abundant virtue appears deficient, staunch virtue appears fault. Genuine truth appears to change."

Dao De Jing #42

Dì sì shí'èr zhāng


Dào shēng yī, yī shēng èr,


èr shēng sān, sān shēng wàn wù.


Wàn wù fù yīn ér bào yáng, chōng qì yǐ wéi hé.


Rén zhī suǒ è, wéi gū guǎ bù gǔ (gǔ),


ér wáng gōng yǐ wéi chēng.


Gù wù, huò sǔn zhī ér yì, huò yì zhī ér sǔn.


Rén zhī suǒ jiào, wǒ yì jiàozhī.


Qiáng liáng zhě bù dé qí sǐ, wú jiāng yǐ wéi jiào fù.


Chapter 42:

The Tao gives birth to one; one gives birth to two; two gives birth to three; and three gives birth to all things. 

All things carry Yin (femininity) while embracing Yang (masculinity). 

They blend their life breaths to attain harmony. 

People dislike being "orphaned," "widowed," or "poor," yet the lords and rulers take these as their titles. 

Therefore, things may sometimes be increased by being diminished and diminished by being increased. 

What others teach, I also teach. 

Those who are violent and strong do not die a natural death; thus, I will make that my primary teaching.

Dao De Jing #43

Dì sì shí sān zhāng


Tiān xià zhī zhì róu,


Chí chěng tiān xià zhī zhì jiān,


wú yǒu rù wú jiàn,


wú shì yǐ zhī wú wéi zhī yǒu yì.


Bù yán zhī jiào, wú wéi zhī yì,


Tiān xià xī jí zhī.


Chapter 43:

The softest things in the world can overcome the hardest things in the world. 

That which has no substance enters into that which has no openings. 

This is the principle of invisibility's usefulness. 

Profoundly subtle, it is difficult to understand, but the world's greatest teachers are those who embody it.

Dao De Jing #44

Dì sì shí sì zhāng


míng yǔ shēn shú qīn?


Shēn yǔ huò shú duō?


Dé yǔ wáng shú bìng? 


Shì gù shèn ài bì dà fèi, duō cáng bì hòu wáng.


Zhī zú bù rǔ, zhī zhǐ bù dài, kě yǐ cháng jiǔ.


Chapter 44:

Which is closer, name or body? 

Which is more abundant, body or wealth? 

Which is more harmful, gain or loss? 

Therefore, excessive love leads to great expense, and excessive hoarding leads to great loss. 

Contentment brings no shame, and moderation avoids danger. 

These can lead to long-lasting success.

Dao De Jing #45

Dì sì shí wǔ zhāng


Dà chéng ruò quē, qí yòng bù bì.


Dà yíng ruò chōng, qí yòng bù qióng.


Dà zhí ruò qū, dà qiǎo ruò zhuō, dà biàn ruò nè.


Zào shèng hán, jìng shèng rè.


Qīng jìng wéi tiān xià zhèng.


Chapter 45:

Great fullness may lead to emptiness, while great capacity may lead to exhaustion. 

Great honesty may appear to be weakness, while great skill may appear clumsy. 

Great eloquence may seem to be stuttering. 

Calmness overcomes cold, while stillness overcomes heat. Clarity and calmness are what the world needs.

Dao De Jing #46

Dì sì shí liù zhāng


Tiān xià yǒu dào, què zǒu mǎ yǐ fèn;


Tiān xià wú dào, róng mǎ shēng yú jiāo.


Huò mò dà yú bù zhī zú, jiù mò dà yú yù dé,


gù zhī zú zhī zú, cháng zú yǐ.


Chapter 46:

When the world follows the Way, horses are used for agriculture rather than war. 

When the world does not follow the Way, war horses are bred in the countryside. 

There is no greater disaster than not being content, no greater fault than the desire for gain. 

Therefore, those who are content with what they have will always have enough.

Dao De Jing #47

Dì sì shí qī zhāng


bù chū hù, zhī tiān xià;


bù kuī yǒu, jiàn tiān dào.


Qí chū mí yuǎn, qí zhī mí shǎo.


Shì yǐ shèn grén bù xíng ér zhī,


Bù jiàn ér míng, bù wéi ér chéng.


Chapter 47:

Without leaving the house, one can know the world. 

Without looking out the window, one can see the Way of heaven. 

The farther one travels, the less one knows. 

Therefore, the wise person knows without traveling, names without seeing, and accomplishes without acting.

Dao De Jing #48

Dì sì shí bā zhāng


wéi xué rì yì, wèi dào rì sǔn.


Sǔn zhī yòu sǔn, yǐ zhì yú wú wéi,


Wú wéi ér wú bù wéi.


Qǔ tiān xià cháng yǐ wú shì, jí qí yǒu shì,


Bù zú yǐ qǔ tiān xià.


Chapter 48:

Learning increases daily, but following the Way decreases daily. 

By decreasing and decreasing, one reaches the point of non-action, and through non-action, one can accomplish everything. 

To rule the world, it is best to have no affairs to attend to. 

If one does have affairs to attend to, one is not capable of ruling the world.

Dao De Jing #49

Dì sì shí jiǔ zhāng


Shèng rén wú cháng xīn, yǐ bǎi xìng xīn wéi xīn.


Shàn zhě, wú shàn zhī;


Bù shàn zhě, wú yì shàn zhī, dé shàn.


Xìn zhě, wú xìn zhī;


Bù xìn zhě, wú yì xìn zhī, dé xìn.


Shèng rén zài tiān xià shè shè, wéi tiān xià hún qí xīn.


(Bǎi xìng jiē zhù qí ěr mù), shèn grén jiē hái zhī.


Chapter 49:

The sage has no fixed mind, he takes the mind of the people as his own mind. 

Those who are good, I treat them with goodness; those who are not good, I still treat them with goodness, for the goodness of virtue. 

Those who are trustworthy, I trust them; those who are not trustworthy, I still trust them, for the trustworthiness of virtue. The sage blends into the world, and makes their hearts unified (the people all look up to him). The sage treats everyone with the same respect.

Dao De Jing #50

Dì wǔ shí zhāng


Chū shēng rù sǐ. 


Shēng zhī tú shí yǒu sān, sǐ zhī tú shí yǒu sān.


Rén zhī shēng dòng zhī sǐ dì, yì shí yǒu sān. Fū hé gù?


Yǐ qí shēng shēng zhī hòu. Gài wén shàn shès hēng zhě,


lù xíng bù yù sì hǔ, rù jūn bù bèi jiǎ bīng,


sì wú suǒ tóu qí jiǎo, hǔ wú suǒ cuò qí zhǎo,


bīng wú suǒ róng qí rèn.


Fū hé gù? Yǐ qí wú sǐ dì.


Chapter 50:

Life and death are a matter of fate. 

Of those who are born, one in three will die. 

Of those who die, one in three will have died from natural causes. Why is this so? 

It is because of the thickness of life. 

It is said that those who are good at preserving their lives, when traveling overland they will not meet wild rhinoceroses or tigers; when entering a battle they will not be wounded by weapons. 

Rhinoceroses have no place to thrust their horns, tigers have no place to use their claws, and weapons have no place to cut. Why is this so? 

Because they have no place to die.

Dao De Jing #51

Dì wǔ shí yī zhāng


Dào shēng zhī, dé chù zhī, wù xíng zhī, shì chéng zhī.


Shì yǐ wàn wù mò bù zūn dào ér guì dé.


Dào zhī zūn, dé zhī guì,


fū mò zhī mìng ér cháng zìrán.


Gù dào shēng zhī, dé chù zhī.


Zhǎng zhī, yù zhī, tíng zhī, dú zhī, yǎng zhī, fù zhī.


Shēng ér bù yǒu, wéi ér bù shì,


cháng ér bù zǎi, shì wèi xuán dé.


Chapter 51:

The Tao gives birth to them, Virtue nourishes them, matter forms them, environment shapes them. 

Therefore, all things respect the Tao and value Virtue. 

The Tao is respected, Virtue is valued, and they naturally follow. 

Thus, the Tao gives them birth, and Virtue nourishes them. They grow, mature, are nurtured, and protected. 

They are born without possessing anything, they act without relying on anything, they grow without dominating anything; this is called profound Virtue.

Dao De Jing #52

Dì wǔshí'èr zhāng


Tiān xià yǒu shǐ, yǐ wéi tiān xià mǔ.


Jì dé qí mǔ, yǐ zhī qí zi;


Jì zhī qí zi, fù shǒu qí mǔ, méi shēn bù dài.


Sāi qí duì, bì qí mén, zhōng shēn bù qín.


Kāi qí duì, jì qí shì, zhōng shēn bù jiù.


Jiàn xiǎo yuē míng, shǒu róu yuē qiáng.


Yòng qí guāng, fù guī qí míng,


Wú yí shēn yāng, shì wèi xí cháng.


Chapter 52:

The world has a beginning, and this beginning is the mother of the world. 

Once you have found the mother, you will know the children. When you know the children and remember the mother, you will not suffer harm even though you may risk your life. 

Block the opening and close the doors, and you will never tire all your life. 

Open the opening and pursue your affairs, and you will never save your life. 

Seeing small things is clarity; holding onto gentleness is strength. 

Use the light and return to clarity, never missing the opportunity to learn from your mistakes; this is called following the constant way.

Dao De Jing #53

Dì wǔ shí sān zhāng


shǐ wǒ jiè rán yǒu zhī, xíng yú dà dào,


wéi shī yí shì wèi.


Dà dào shén yí, ér mín hǎo jìng.


Cháo shén chú, tián shén wú, cāng shén xū.


Fú wén cǎi, dài lì jiàn, yàn yǐn shí,


cái huò yǒu yú, shì wéi dào kuā.


Fēi dào yě zāi!


Chapter 53:

The knowledge I have gained makes me feel at ease, walking on the great Tao with only cautious steps. 

The great Tao is very level, yet people love shortcuts. 

The court is very extravagant, the fields overgrown with weeds, and the granaries are empty. 

They wear fancy clothes and carry sharp swords, have lost their appetite and thirst, and have more wealth than they need. 

These are the characteristics of thieves and boasters, which is not the Tao.

Dao De Jing #54

Dì wǔ shí sì zhāng


shàn jiàn zhě bù bá, shàn bào zhě bù tuō,


Zǐ sūn yǐ jì sì bù chuò.


Xiū zhī yú shēn, qí dé nǎi zhēn;


Xiū zhī yú jiā, qí dé nǎi yú;


Xiū zhī yú xiāng, qí dé nǎi zhǎng;


Xiū zhī yú guó, qí dé nǎi fēng;


Xiū zhī yú tiān xià, qí dé nǎi pǔ.


Gù yǐ shēn guān shēn, yǐ jiā guān jiā,


yǐ xiāng guān xiāng, yǐ guó guān guó,


yǐ tiān xià guān tiān xià.


Wú hé yǐ zhī tiān xià rán zāi? Yǐ cǐ.


Chapter 54:

Those who are good at building are not uprooted, those who are good at embracing are not let go, and their offspring offer sacrifices without interruption. 

If you cultivate it in yourself, your virtue will be genuine; 

if you cultivate it in your family, your virtue will be abundant; 

if you cultivate it in your community, your virtue will be lasting; if you cultivate it in your country, your virtue will be flourishing; if you cultivate it in the world, your virtue will be universal. Therefore, observe yourself to observe others, 

observe your family to observe other families, 

observe your community to observe other communities, observe your country to observe other countries, 

and observe the world to observe the world. 

How do I know the world is like this? Through this.

Dao De Jing #55

Dì wǔ shí wǔ zhāng


hán dé zhī hòu, bǐ yú chìzǐ.


Fēng chài huī shé bù shì, měng shòu bù jù,


jué niǎo bù bó. Gǔ ruò jīn róu ér wò gù.


Wèi zhī pìn mǔ zhī hé ér quán zuò, jīng zhī zhì yě.


Zhōng rì hào ér bù á, hé zhī zhì yě.


Zhī hé yuē cháng, zhī cháng yuē míng,


Yì shēng yuē xiáng, xīn shǐ qì yuē qiáng.


Wù zhuàng zé lǎo, wèi zhī bù dào, bù dào zǎo yǐ.


Chapter 55:

The thickness of virtue is like that of a newborn baby. 

Bees, scorpions, snakes do not sting it, ferocious beasts do not pounce on it, and predatory birds do not attack it. 

Though its bones are weak and its tendons are soft, its grip is firm. It does not cry hoarse all day, but is harmonious. Knowing harmony is constancy, knowing constancy is clarity, increasing life is auspicious, and controlling the mind is strength. 

When things are strong, they grow old, which is called not following the Tao. 

Not following the Tao leads to early ruin.

Dao De Jing #56

Dì wǔ shí liù zhāng


zhì zhě bù yán, yán zhě bù zhī.


Sāi qí duì, bì qí mén, cuò qí ruì;


jiě qí fēn, hé qí guāng,


tóng qí chén, shì wèi xuán tóng.


Gù bù kě dé ér qīn, bù kě dé ér shū;


Bù kě dé ér lì, bù kě dé ér hài;


Bù kě dé ér guì, bù kě dé ér jiàn,


gù wéi tiān xià guì.


Chapter 56:

Those who know do not speak, those who speak do not know. Block the passages, close the doors, and blunt the sharpness. Untangle the knots, harmonize the light, and join with the dust. 

This is called profound harmony. 

Therefore, it cannot be approached with intimacy, nor can it be avoided with estrangement. 

It cannot be gained with profit, nor can it be lost with harm. 

It cannot be made valuable, nor can it be made worthless. Therefore, it is esteemed by the world.

Dao De Jing #57

Dì wǔ shí qī zhāng


yǐ zhèng zhì guó, yǐ qí yòng bīng,


yǐ wú shì qǔ tiān xià.


Wú hé yǐ zhī qí rán zāi? Yǐ cǐ.


Tiān xià duō jì huì, ér mín mí pín;


mín duō lìqì, guó jiā zī hūn;


rén duō jì qiǎo, qí wù zī qǐ;


Fǎ lìng zī zhāng, dào zéi duō yǒu.


Gù shèn grén yún:


“Wǒ wú wéi ér mín zì huà, wǒ hǎo jìng ér mín zì zhèng,


wǒ wú shì ér mín zì fù, wǒ wú yù ér mín zì pǔ.”


Chapter 57:

To govern a country properly, use straightforwardness. 

To employ military forces, use surprise. 

To win the world without doing anything, use nothingness. How do I know this is true? By observing this. 

When the world has many taboos, the people are impoverished. 

When the people have many sharp weapons, the country becomes chaotic. 

When people have many skills, strange things arise. 

When laws and regulations become numerous, there are many thieves and bandits. 

Therefore, the sage said, "I do nothing, yet the people transform themselves.

I love quietness, yet the people become righteous. 

I do nothing, yet the people become prosperous. 

I have no desires, yet the people become simple."

Dao De Jing #58

Dì wǔ shí bā zhāng


qí zhèng mèn mèn, qí mín chún chún;


qí zhèng chá chá, qí mín quē quē.


Huò xī fú zhī suǒ yǐ, fú xī huò zhī suǒ fú.


Shú zhī qí jí? Qí wú zhèng.


Zhèng fù wéi qí, shàn fù wèi yāo,


rén zhī mí, qí rì gù jiǔ.


Shì yǐ shèng rén fāng ér bù gē, lián ér bù guì,


zhí ér bù sì, guāng ér bù yào.


Chapter 58:

When the government is dull and insipid, the people are pure and sincere; 

when the government is scrutinizing and harsh, the people are cunning and deceitful. 

Misfortune is the blessing's hiding place, and blessings are misfortune's base. 

Who knows their ultimate end? 

Without harmony, there is no balance. 

When good becomes odd, and beauty becomes monstrous, people are led astray, and it lasts for a long time. 

Therefore, the sage remains square but does not cut, honest but not hurtful, straightforward but not severe, and bright but not dazzling.

Dao De Jing #59

Dì wǔ shí jiǔ zhāng


zhì rén shì tiān mò ruò sè.


Fū wéi sè, shì wèi zǎo fú.


Zǎo fú wèi zhī zhòng jīdé,


zhòng jīdé zé wú bù kè,


Wú bù kè zé mò zhī qí jí,


mò zhī qí jí, kě yǐ yǒu guó.


Yǒu guó zhī mǔ, kě yǐ cháng jiǔ.


Shì wèi shēn gēn gù dǐ,


Cháng shēng jiǔ shì zhī dào.


Chapter 59:

There is nothing better for governing people than thrift. 

Only by being thrifty can one start early. 

Starting early is called accumulating virtue, and accumulating virtue can overcome all difficulties. 

Overcoming all difficulties, one reaches the limits of what is possible. 

Reaching the limits of what is possible, one can govern a country. 

The mother of a country can thus endure for a long time. 

This is called having deep roots and a firm foundation, the way to live long and see far.

Dao De Jing #60

Dì liù shí zhāng


zhì dà guó ruò pēng xiǎo xiān.


Yǐ dào lì tiān xià, qí guǐ bù shén.


Fēi qí guǐ bù shén, qí shén bù shāng rén;


fēi qí shén bù shāng rén, shèng rén yì bù shāng rén.


Fū liǎng bù xiāng shāng, gù dé jiāo guī yān.


Chapter 60:

Governing a large country is like cooking a small fish. 

To govern the world by the Tao, the spirits will not be haunting. 

It is not that the spirits will not be haunting, but that they will not harm people. 

It is not that they will not harm people, but that the wise person will also not harm people. 

When neither harms the other, then the virtue circulates around them.

Dao De Jing #61

Dì liù shí yī zhāng


Dà guó zhě xià liú.


Tiān xià zhī jiāo, tiān xià zhī pìn.


Pìn cháng yǐ jìng shèng mǔ, yǐ jìng wèi xià.


Gù dà guó yǐ xià xiǎo guó, zé qǔ xiǎo guó;


Xiǎo guó yǐ xià dà guó, zé qǔ dà guó.


Gù huò xià yǐ qǔ, huò xià ér qǔ.


Dà guó bù guò yù jiān chù rén,


Xiǎo guó bù guò yù rù shì rén,


fū liǎng zhě gè dé qí suǒ yù,


dà zhě yí wèi xià.


Chapter 61:

A large country is like the lower reaches of a river, where all the streams and rivers flow into it. 

It is like a female that always overcomes the male with stillness, and thus stillness is beneath activity. 

Therefore, a large country can be led by a small country by being humble, and a small country can be led by a large country by being submissive.

Sometimes one leads by lowering oneself, and sometimes one leads by being lowered. 

The large country only wants to store and protect people, while the small country only wants to serve and assist people. Both achieve their goals, but the large country should be humble.

Dao De Jing #62

Dì liù shí'èr zhāng


dào zhě wàn wù zhī ào, shàn rén zhī bǎo,


Bù shàn rén zhī suǒ bǎo.


Měi yán kěyǐ shì, zūn xíng kěyǐ jiā rén.


Rén zhī bù shàn, hé qì zhī yǒu!


Gù lì tiān zǐ, zhì sān gōng,


suī yǒu gǒng bì yǐ xiān sìmǎ, bù rú zuò jìn cǐ dào.


Gǔ zhī suǒ yǐ guì cǐ dào zhě hé?


Bù yuē yǐ qiú dé, yǒu zuì yǐ miǎn xié?


Gù wéi tiān xià guì.


Chapter 62:

The Tao is the essence of all things, the treasure of the good, and that which the bad do not preserve. 

Fine words can be traded for goods, and noble behavior can lead to promotion. 

Why should we reject the wicked? 

Therefore, establish the Emperor, appoint the three ministers, and even if they offer a jade tablet to precede the chariot and four horses, it is not as good as entering this Tao. 

Why did the ancients value this Tao? 

Not because of seeking rewards or avoiding punishment, but because it is valuable to the world.

Dao De Jing #63

Dì liù shí sān zhāng


wéi wú wéi, shì wú shì, wèi wú wèi.


Dà xiǎo duō shǎo, bào yuàn yǐ dé.


Tú nán yú qí yì, wéi dà yú qí xì.


Tiān xià nán shì bì zuò yú yì, tiān xià dà shì bì zuò yú xì,


shì yǐ shèng rén zhōng bù wéi dà, gù néng chéng qí dà.


Fū qīng nuò bì guǎ xìn, duō yì bì duō nàn,


shì yǐ shèng rén yóu nàn zhī. Gù zhōng wú nán yǐ.


Chapter 63:

Act without action, manage affairs without busyness, savor tastelessness. 

Whether it is big or small, many or few, repay injury with kindness. 

Plan difficulty in the easy, achieve the great in the small. Difficult problems in the world must arise from the easy, great affairs in the world must arise from the small. 

Therefore, the wise person never strives for the great and thus can accomplish greatness. 

Light promises are sure to lack credibility, frequent changes will lead to great difficulties, therefore the wise person regards even easy tasks as difficult. 

Thus, they will never encounter difficulties.

Dao De Jing #64

Dì liù shí sì zhāng


qí ān yì chí, qí wèi zhào yì móu,


qí cuì yì pàn, qí wēi yì sàn.


Wéi zhī yú wèi yǒu, zhì zhī yú wèi luàn.


Hé bào zhī mù, shēng yú háo mò;


jiǔ céng zhī tái, qǐ yú lèi tǔ;


Qiān lǐ zhī xíng, shǐ yú zú xià.


Wèi zhě bài zhī, zhí zhě shī zhī.


Shì yǐ shèng rén wú wéi, gù wú bài;


wú zhí, gù wú shī.


Mín zhī cóng shì, cháng yú jǐ chéng ér bài zhī.


Shèn zhōng rú shǐ, zé wú bài shì.


Shì yǐ shèng rén yù bù yù, bù guì nán dé zhī huò.


Xué bù xué, fù zhòng rén zhī suǒ guò.


Yǐ fǔ wàn wù zhī zì rán, ér bù gǎn wéi.


Chapter 64:

What is calm is easily kept, what has not yet appeared is easily planned for, what is brittle is easily broken, what is small is easily scattered. 

Begin before it has appeared, govern before it has become chaotic. 

A tree that can be embraced grows from a tiny sprout, a nine-story tower arises from a heap of earth, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 

Those who act will fail, those who grasp will lose. 

Therefore, the wise person acts without acting and therefore has no failures, does not grasp and therefore has no losses. People often fail when they are close to success. 

Be as careful at the end as you were at the beginning, then there will be no failures. 

Therefore, the wise person desires not to desire and does not value rare treasures. 

They learn from the mistakes of the masses and assist all things to follow their natural course without daring to interfere.

Dao De Jing #65

Dì liù shí wǔ zhāng


gǔ zhī shàn wéi dào zhě, fēi yǐ míng mín,


jiāng yǐ yú zhī.


Mín zhī nán zhì, yǐ qí zhì duō.


Gù yǐ zhì zhì guó, guó zhī zéi;


bù yǐ zhì zhì guó, guó zhī fú.


Zhī cǐ liǎng zhě, yì jī shì.


Cháng zhī jī shì, shì wèi xuán dé.


Xuán dé shēn yǐ, yuǎn yǐ, yǔ wù fǎn yǐ,


Rán hòu nǎi zhì dà shùn.


Chapter 65:

The ancient sage who was skilled in the Dao did not enlighten the people but kept them ignorant. 

The people are difficult to govern because they are too clever. Therefore, governing with cleverness causes chaos in the country, not governing with cleverness brings happiness to the country. 

Knowing these two methods is also a model to follow. 

Always understanding the model, this is called mysterious virtue. 

Mysterious virtue is deep, distant, and contrary to things. Then it is possible to reach great harmony.

Dao De Jing #66

Dì liù shí liù zhāng


Jiāng hǎi suǒ yǐ néng wéi bǎi gǔ wáng zhě,


yǐ qí shàn xià zhī, gù néng wéi bǎi gǔ wáng.


Shì yǐ yù shàng mín, bì yǐ yán xià zhī;


yù xiān mín, bì yǐ shēn hòu zhī.


Shì yǐ shèng rén chù shàng ér mín bù chóng,


chù qián ér mín bù hài,


shì yǐ tiān xià lè tuī ér bù yàn.


Yǐ qí bù zhēng, gù tiān xià mò néng yǔ zhī zhēng.


Chapter 66:

The reason why the rivers and seas can be the kings of all valleys is because they know how to stay low. 

Therefore, if you want to lead the people, you must speak from their level. 

If you want to guide the people, you must follow behind them. Thus, the wise person is above and the people do not feel burdened, is in front and the people are not harmed. Therefore, the whole world enjoys pushing them forward and does not get tired of it. 

Because they do not compete, the world cannot compete with them.

Dao De Jing #67

Dì liù shí qī zhāng


Tiān xià jiē wèi wǒ dào dà, shì bù xiào.


Fū wéi dà, gù shì bù xiào.


Ruò xiào, jiǔ yǐ qí xì yě fū.


Wǒ yǒu sān bǎo, chí ér bǎo zhī.


Yī yuē cí, èr yuē jiǎn,


sān yuē bù gǎn wéi tiān xià xiān.


Cí, gù néng yǒng; jiǎn, gù néng guǎng;


bù gǎn wéi tiān xià xiān, gù néng chéng qì zhǎng.


Jīn shě cí qiě yǒng, shě jiǎn qiě guǎng,


shě hòu qiě xiān, sǐ yǐ!


Fū cí, yǐ zhàn zé shèng,


yǐ shǒu zé gù, tiān jiāng jiù zhī, yǐ cí wèi zhī.


Chapter 67:

The world thinks that my Way is great and resembles foolishness. 

Only because it is great can it seem foolish. 

If it were not foolish, it would have been insignificant a long time ago. 

I have three treasures, which I hold on to and protect. 

The first is compassion, the second is frugality, and the third is not daring to be ahead of others. 

With compassion, one can be brave. With frugality, one can broaden one's horizons. 

Not daring to be ahead of others, one can achieve long-lasting things. 

If one abandons compassion and chooses to be brave, or abandons frugality and chooses to broaden one's horizons, or abandons not daring to be ahead of others and chooses to be ahead, they will die. 

If one is compassionate, one will win in battle and defend oneself securely. 

Heaven will save those who defend themselves with compassion.

Dao De Jing #68

Dì liù shí bā zhāng


shàn wéi shì zhě bù wǔ, shàn zhàn zhě bù nù,


shàn shèng dí zhě bù yǔ, shàn yòng rén zhě wéi zhī xià.


Shì wèi bù zhēng zhī dé, shì wèi yòng rén zhī lì,


shì wèi pèi tiān gǔ zhī jí.


Chapter 68:

The one who is good at being a gentleman is not warlike. 

The one who is good at fighting is not angry. 

The one who is good at defeating the enemy does not engage in battle. 

The one who is good at using people makes them willingly serve. 

This is called the virtue of non-contention, the power of using people, and the ultimate harmony with the ancient way of Heaven.

Dao De Jing #69

Dì liù shí jiǔ zhāng


Yòng bīng yǒu yán, wú bù gǎn wéi zhǔ ér wéi kè,


bù gǎn jìn cùn ér tuì chǐ. Shì wèi xíng wú xíng,


rǎng wú bì, rēng wúdí, zhí wú bīng.


Huò mò dà yú qīng dí, qīng dí jǐ sàng wú bǎo.


Gù kàng bīng xiàng jiā, āi zhě shèng yǐ.


Chapter 69:

There is a saying about using military force: "I dare not act as the host, but prefer to be the guest. 

I dare not advance an inch, but prefer to retreat a foot. 

This is called marching forward without seeming to move, seizing the enemy without appearing to grasp, and without weapons, defeating the enemy." 

There is no greater disaster than underestimating one's enemy; to do so is to risk losing everything. 

Therefore, when two armies engage in battle, the one that is sorrowful will ultimately be victorious.

Dao De Jing #70

Dì qī shí zhāng


wú yán shén yì zhī, shén yì xíng,


Tiān xià mò néng zhī, mò néng xíng.


Yán yǒu zōng, shì yǒu jūn.


Fū wéi wú zhī, shì yǐ bù wǒ zhī.


Zhī wǒ zhě xī, zé wǒ zhě guì,


shì yǐ shèng rén bèi “bèi” tóng “pī” hè huái yù.

是以圣人被 “被”同“披” 褐怀玉。

Chapter 70:

My words are very easy to understand and very easy to put into practice, yet no one in the world is able to understand or practice them. 

The reason is that they have a source and a ruler. 

Only those who are without knowledge are able to understand me. 

Those who know me are rare, and so they are precious, just like how the wise person wears simple clothing but carries a precious jade.

Dao De Jing #71

Dì qī shí yī zhāng


zhī bù zhī, shàng; bù zhī zhī, bìng.


Fū wéi bìng bìng, shì yǐ bù bìng.


Shèng rén bù bìng, yǐ qí bìng bìng, shì yǐ bù bìng.


Chapter 71:

Knowing that you don't know is the highest. 

Not knowing that you don't know is a disease. 

Only the sick person recognizes the disease, therefore, the wise person is not sick. 

By recognizing the sickness as sickness, one can avoid falling ill.

Dao De Jing #72

Dì qī shí'èr zhāng


mín bù wèi wēi, zé dà wēi zhì.


Wú xiá qí suǒ jū, wú yàn “yàn” tóng “yā” qí suǒ shēng.

无狎其所居,无厌 “厌”同“压” 其所生。

Fū wéi bù yàn “yàn” tóng “yā”, shì yǐ bù yàn.

夫唯不厌 “厌”同“压” ,是以不厌。

Shì yǐ shèng rén zì zhī, bù zì jiàn;


zì'ài, bù zì guì.


Gù qù bǐ qǔ cǐ.


Chapter 72:

When people do not fear your power, then your power is great. 

Do not intrude upon people's living spaces, and do not oppress them. 

If you do not oppress them, they will not resent you. 

Thus, wise people lead by example, not by force. 

They love themselves, but do not glorify themselves, and they know when to let go of one thing and pick up another.

Dao De Jing #73

Dì qī shí sān zhāng


Yǒng yú gǎn zé shā, yǒng yú bù gǎn zé huó.


Cǐ liǎng zhě, huò lì huò hài.


Tiān zhī suǒ è, shú zhī qí gù?


Shì yǐ shèng rén yóu nàn zhī.


Tiān zhī dào, bù zhēng ér shàn shèng,


bù yán ér shàn yīng, bù zhào ér zì lái,


chǎn rán'ér shàn móu.


Tiān wǎng huī huī, shū ér bù shī.


Chapter 73:

Bravery in action can lead to either profit or loss, and it is difficult to know which is which. 

Who knows why Heaven dislikes what it dislikes? 

Even the wise find it difficult to know. 

Heaven's way is to win without fighting, to answer without speaking, to come without being called, and to plan without haste. 

Heaven's net is vast and loose, yet it never misses its catch.

Dao De Jing #74

Dì qī shí sì zhāng


mín bù wèi sǐ, nài hé yǐ sǐ jù zhī!


Ruò shǐ mín cháng wèi sǐ, ér wéi qí zhě,


wú dé zhí ér shā zhī, shú gǎn?


Cháng yǒu sī shā zhě shā, fū dài sī shā zhě shā,


shì wèi dài dà jiàng zhuó.


Fū dài dà jiàng zhuó zhě, xī yǒu bù shāng qí shǒu yǐ.


Chapter 74:

If people do not fear death, how can you use death to threaten them? 

If you constantly threaten people with death, and then try to execute only a select few, who will dare to obey you? 

If executioners execute on behalf of those who give the orders, then it is like using a master carpenter's tools to chop wood. 

When using the tools of a master carpenter, it is rare not to hurt one's own hands.

Dao De Jing #75

Dì qī shí wǔ zhāng


mín zhī jī, yǐ qí shàng shí shuì zhī duō,


shì yǐ jī.


Mín zhī nán zhì, yǐ qí shàng zhī yǒu wéi,


shì yǐ nán zhì.


Mín zhī qīng sǐ, yǐ qí qiú shēng zhī hòu,


shì yǐ qīng sǐ.


Fū wéi wú yǐ shēng wèi zhě,


shì xián yú guì shēng.


Chapter 75:

When the people suffer from famine, it is because of the excessive taxes imposed on them. 

When they are difficult to govern, it is because their rulers are too fond of action. 

When they disregard death, it is because they cling too much to life. 

Only those who do not value life can truly be brave and wise.

Dao De Jing #76

Dì qī shí liù zhāng


rén zhī shēng yě róu ruò, qí sǐ yě jiān qiáng.


Wàn wù cǎo mù zhī shēng yě róu cuì, qí sǐ yě kū gǎo.


Gù jiān qiáng zhě sǐ zhī tú, róu ruò zhě shēng zhī tú.


Shì yǐ bīng qiáng zé bù shèng, mù qiáng zé bīng.


Qiáng dà chǔ xià, róu ruò chù shàng.


Chapter 76:

Human life begins in weakness and ends in strength, while the life of plants begins in softness and ends in brittleness. Therefore, those who are strong and hard are doomed to perish, while those who are gentle and weak are destined to survive. 

Thus, the strong army will not win, and the strong tree will be cut down. 

The strong must be beneath, while the weak must be above.

Dao De Jing #77

Dì qī shí qī zhāng


tiān zhī dào, qí yóu zhāng gōng yǔ!


Gāo zhě yì zhī, xià zhě jǔ zhī;


Yǒu yú zhě sǔn zhī, bù zú zhě bǔ zhī.


Tiān zhī dào, sǔn yǒu yú ér bǔ bù zú.


Rén zhī dào zé bù rán, sǔn bù zú yǐ fèng yǒu yú.


Shú néng yǒu yú yǐ fèng tiān xià?


Wéi yǒu dào zhě. Shì yǐ shèn grén wéi ér bù shì,


gōng chéng ér bù chù, qí bù yù jiàn xián.


Chapter 77:

The way of heaven is like bending a bow: the high is lowered, and the low is raised; the excess is reduced, and the deficiency is supplemented. 

The way of heaven is to reduce the excess and supplement the deficiency, while the way of man is the opposite: to reduce the deficiency and supplement the excess. 

Who can have excess to spare for the whole world? 

Only the person who follows the Tao. 

Therefore, the sage acts without relying on success, completes his work without dwelling on it, and does not wish to display his virtue.

Dao De Jing #78

Dì qī shí bā zhāng


Tiān xià mò róu ruò yú shuǐ,


ér gōng jiān qiáng zhě mò zhī néng shēng,


qí wú yǐ yì zhī.


Ruò zhī shèng qiáng, róu zhī shèng gāng,


Tiān xià mò bù zhī, mò néng xíng.


Shì yǐ shèng rén yún, shòu guó zhī gòu,


shì wèi shè jì zhǔ;


shòu guó bù xiáng, shì wéi tiān xià wáng.


Zhèng yán ruò fǎn.


Chapter 78:

Nothing in the world is as soft and yielding as water, yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible, nothing can surpass it. Weakness overcomes strength, gentleness overcomes rigidity. 

Everyone knows this, yet no one can put it into practice. Therefore, the wise say: accepting the world's dirt, one becomes the steward of its soil; accepting the world's curses, one becomes the ruler of the world. 

True words seem paradoxical.

Dao De Jing #79

Dì qī shí jiǔ zhāng


hé dà yuàn, bì yǒu yú yuàn,


ān kěyǐ wéi shàn?


Shì yǐ shèng rén zhí zuǒ qì, ér bù zé yú rén.


Yǒu dé sī qì, wú dé sī chè.


Tiān dào wú qīn, cháng yǔ shàn rén.


Chapter 79:

When great hatred is reconciled, some hatred will still remain. How can this be considered good? 

Therefore, the wise hold the left side of the contract and do not blame others. 

Those who possess virtue hold the contract, those who lack virtue are bound by it. 

The Way of Heaven shows no favorites but constantly sides with the virtuous.

Dao De Jing #80

Dì bā shí zhāng


Xiǎo guó guǎ mín, shǐ yǒu shé bó zhī qì ér bù yòng,


shǐ mín zhòng sǐ ér bù yuǎn xǐ.


Suī yǒu zhōu yú, wú suǒ chéng zhī;


suī yǒu jiǎ bīng, wú suǒ chén zhī;


shǐ rén fù jié shéng ér yòng zhī.


Gān qí shí, měi qí fú,


ān qí jū, lè qí sú.


Lín guó xiāng wàng, jī quǎn zhī shēng xiāng wén,


mín zhì lǎo sǐ bù xiāng wǎng lái.


Chapter 80:

A small country with few people could have weapons of tenfold, but they should not use them. 

They would value life and not venture far from home. 

Though they may have boats and carriages, there would be no need to ride in them. 

Though they may have armor and weapons, there would be no need to display them. 

They would return to knotting ropes and live contentedly with their food and clothing, and happy with their way of life. Neighboring countries may overlook each other, and the sound of roosters and barking dogs may be heard, but the people would grow old and die without ever visiting one another.

Dao De Jing #81 

Dì bā shí yī zhāng


xìn yán bù měi, měi yán bù xìn;


shàn zhě bù biàn, biàn zhě bù shàn;


zhì zhě bù bó, bó zhě bùzhī.


Shèng rén bù jī, jì yǐ wéi rén, jǐ yù yǒu;


jì yǐ yǔ rén, jǐ yù duō.


Tiān zhī dào, lì ér bù hài.


Shèng rén zhī dào, wéi ér bù zhēng.


Chapter 81:

Honest words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not honest. 

Good people do not argue; those who argue are not good. Those who know are not learned; the learned do not know. The sage does not accumulate, but the more he gives to others, the more he has. 

The way of heaven is to benefit and not to harm. 

The way of the sage is to act but not to compete.

The End